Friday 30 March 2012

Day 12 - Disney's Hollywood Studios

Today was going to be a great day, even though I was still under the weather, there was no way I was going to miss some of the best attractions on the property - located at the fantastic Disney's Hollywood Studios.

We arrived early, got a fast pass for the Rockin Roller Coaster, the Aerosmith rollercoaster, and made our way to the Tower of Terror.

The Tower of Terror is a ride that would make Anthony Glynn literally shit himself if he ever were to ride it. You get sat in an elevator, transported through the Twighlight Zone, and then shoot up and forced down then up then do...well you get the picture. This was an AMAZING ride,  no gravity force in this thing, you literally get shoved up, then swiftly shot down. The camera bag was between my legs and it was at eye level on the first downward pass, I quickly pushed it to the floor hoping that I hadn't smashed this new superdooper camera in the process, but really to overwhelmed with the ride to care.

Tanya said that it was way better than the sister ride in California, high praise indeed.

The spookiest photo taken on this trip...Ooooohhh
 We then took our turn on the Rockin Rollercoaster. I was looking forward to this one because neither of us new what to expect, flying coaster? Stand up coaster? Who knew? Not we, not we.

We moved into the recording studio and was given the rundown, we had to get to the gig quick!

Upon entering the ride chamber we saw the coaster in it's first position, awaiting the go at the entrance to a long dark tunnel. Stevie Tyler counts down and ZOOM, the coaster was gone! I don't know how fast, but it was bloody quick. This was going to be an incredible ride.

We were moved to the frontiest front there is... the front, something that Tanya was a bit nervous about, but something I new would be AWESOME! And it was. WHEEEEEEEE away we went into a hairpin and corkscrew IN THE DARK! WHOOOOOOO. Although I new that Tanya would get off the ride and give me the old "Veruca Salt" - "Matty I do not want a boat like this!", I thought it was terrific and wanted to go again.

We moved through the rest of the park, taking in the sights and sounds, me feeling slightly sicker at each turn, but pushing through. The Star Tours ride was great, getting caught in Darth Vaders force grip was a terrific feeling in the motion simulator - Tanya rode with her eyes closed.
Unfortunately this was the best photo I could get of both C3P0 and R2D2

Matt in front of the New York backdrop - pretty cool right?

 Then we did the studio backlot tour - and that was fantastic too!


Herbie is just sitting out the back catching some rays.

I lifted this out a swamp with the power of my mind.

The moment before matt was tackled by the army men for calling them losers.

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